Friday, May 30, 2008


The Tennessee Waltz

I could not reproduce the display problems documented; also one should not see the resize border, as I made it invisible, so I really can't explain what happened to Draco at 1280x800. However I slightly changed the code and I hope the game will be playable at any resolution.

It seems the newspaper are loved by the fans. Well, I'm adding them.

I did set up a small loading screen, which for reasons I can't explain now probably can't be kept, so the players will have to wait some second before going to the main screen without seeing anything; this is not good, but the players will forgive me.

Fear the Mayerling Waltz :>

Anyway, I already know that "I could not reproduce X problems" from other computer troubles ;p It seems to me every pc has its own personality. However, I also hope the code change will prove effective.

I'm glad that u add the newspapers, thank you very much! :)

I'm not bothered by the lack of a loading screen as long as the rest of the game works fine :)

Any rough estimate about when to expect the next version? Would be interesting wheter or not display problems could be solved by the code change.
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